
Showing posts from February, 2021

Eliminate Your Doubts About Wholesale Shelf Corporations

Registering a New Company vs. Purchasing A Shelf Corporation  Are you looking to start a new company or incorporate a sole proprietorship that has been in existence? By registering a company from scratch, you sign up to face off against floodgates of ugly challenges awaiting every new business in a competitive market. An existing sole proprietorship forfeits its rich business history when it chooses to move ahead as a newly incorporated entity. That is, years of building a credible portfolio gone to the drain. Registering a new company involves going through the entire company registration process, which could sometimes take days to complete. Although the process is much faster and simplified these days, it is still unnecessary effort, especially when you can own an older, ready-made company with invaluable time-in-business.  With a shelf corporation, all you need to do is change the ownership of your newly purchased aged company, and you'll be good to begin trading. Changing

3 Ways To Reinvent Your Business With Shelf Corporations

  A company’s ability to adjust its approach in response to a dynamic external environment is an invaluable skill necessary for survival, and shelf corporations might be exactly what your business needs to cope with these turbulent forces. Business owners have slowly discovered that lenders, suppliers, vendors, and even customers prefer doing business with older companies. Important business associates have an outright bias in favor of older companies probably because of the lower financial risk they pose. If your car breaks down in an unfamiliar neighborhood and you are presented with a mechanic that has been doing business in the block for the past 25 years, and another that just opened shop recently, who would you pick to examine your car engine? Obviously, the one that has been around longer, right? Age is associated with experience and subsequently delivery of desired results.  Examining the above scenario, it is possible that the new mechanic might have been equally skilled, or

Clear And Unbiased Facts About Wholesaleshelfcorporations.Com

  New Businesses Off to A Bumpy Start is exactly what new businesses need to survive their first bumpy years in business. Statistics by the U.S. Business Formation Statistics (BFS) indicate that the number of new business applications in the U.S. alone surged by a whopping 78.9% between the years 2010 and 2020. Reportedly, 4.41 million applications were submitted in 2020, a significant rise from the 2010s 2.46 million applications. While this is good news for the government, individual entities see stiffer competition and the lingering possibility of collapse, in case, they can’t keep up with competition. As the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics documents, 65 percent of these new businesses don’t live to celebrate 10 years in business. They have the hardest time seeking funding opportunities. Unfortunately, lenders perceive them as high-risk, an ugly tag that lowers their chances of getting credit. Therefore, it comes as no surprise