Clear And Unbiased Facts About Wholesaleshelfcorporations.Com


New Businesses Off to A Bumpy Start is exactly what new businesses need to survive their first bumpy years in business. Statistics by the U.S. Business Formation Statistics (BFS) indicate that the number of new business applications in the U.S. alone surged by a whopping 78.9% between the years 2010 and 2020. Reportedly, 4.41 million applications were submitted in 2020, a significant rise from the 2010s 2.46 million applications. While this is good news for the government, individual entities see stiffer competition and the lingering possibility of collapse, in case, they can’t keep up with competition.

As the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics documents, 65 percent of these new businesses don’t live to celebrate 10 years in business. They have the hardest time seeking funding opportunities. Unfortunately, lenders perceive them as high-risk, an ugly tag that lowers their chances of getting credit. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that lack of funding is the major cause of business failure U.S. The few lenders willing to take the risk of loaning new companies impose exorbitant interest rates on them, making it even harder for the businesses to break even.


It is understandable that lenders are forced to be hard on risky entities to protect their interests.


However, this comes to the disadvantage of genuine companies looking for a financial boost to make it big in the market. Sadly, these promising businesses collapse, going down with investors’ seed money and other initial investments put in the businesses. In a cutthroat business space that sinks new shaky businesses, is working to protect these cash-starved entities from imminent collapse. 


The Magic of works behind the scenes to make your corporation credit-ready, and increase your chances of getting funded. They do so through a series of thoughtfully designed credit building programs that produce positive results within an imaginably short period. The first disadvantage new businesses have is age. Newly incorporated companies are thought to pose a high financial risk to lenders. They are new in the market, and it might take them a bit of time to turn in profits. Regrettably, lenders are obsessed with numbers and not the promise of “making it big when funded.” New businesses don’t have any numbers to show for obvious reasons, which is why they occasionally fall short of lenders’ minimum requirements for loan approval. 


While it might appear like there’s little that can be done about a company’s age, plays out its first magic –the ‘marvel of aged corporations.’ According to an elaborate definition on its official website, a Shelf Corporation, Shelf Company, or Aged Corporation, is a company or corporation with no activity. It was put on the “shelf” to “age”. The company can then be sold to a person or group of persons who wish to start a company without going through all the procedures of creating a new one.” 


By purchasing a shelf corporation, your business inherits the old company’s time-in-business and automatically becomes the same age as the shelf company. Say you purchase WholesaleShelfCorporation’s “Super Corps” – a company that has been sitting inactive for the past nine years. Your new business ceases to be new and becomes nine years old with a certificate of incorporation that supports its new age. Aged corporations give an appearance of longevity, an attribute associated with credibility. Everyone wants to do business with a company that can be trusted owing to its age-induced credibility. While it is true that it is better to face lenders with an aged corporation from, it is important to note that the credit-ready shelf corporations only increase your chances of getting funded but does not in any way guarantee funding. 


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